
Wednesday 10 April 2024

on:LINE Comix Anthology #4 is here!


I'm very happy to announce the Ambient Zero Publications release of on:LINE Comics Anthology #4 – edited by Claudio Ghirardo, assistant edited by Charles Hackbarth. This collection shares hot fresh work by artists and cartoonists pushing the boundaries – Mark Adair, Claude Bolduc @bolducclaude, Matthew Brown @poopsiepenguin, Marc Cohen @studio_m.s.cohen, Dennis Corrigan @corrigandennis, Victor Gad @victorgad_, CGhirardo @cghirardo64, Charles Hackbarth @charleshackbarth, Jennifer Herbert @lipstick_dirtyboots, Vince Mancuso @vince.mancuso, Arshi Mortuza @poetessarshi, Adam Reich @zenmadmonkey, Naomi Reid, Jack Ruttan and Natasha Vetka @multiversicon. Many of these artists were also featured in the recent show at John Gagné Contemporary Gallery... and some are just in the door.

Also featuring my first ever fully-painted colour comics story and a preview of my upcoming comic about piano genius Thelonious Monk.
Please feel free to share and enjoy! Absolutely free – download at this link: