
Thursday 25 September 2014


Here are some preview panels from THE CLIFF Book 4, "Heart of Brightness", on the ghats by the Ganga River at night...

THE CLIFF Book 4, "Heart of Brightness" - preview panel, pg. 84

THE CLIFF Book 4, "Heart of Brightness" - preview panel, pg. 85

Monday 22 September 2014

Matthew Brown interview - Why Make Comics?

In a strange turn of events during the Toronto Annex Patio Art Show I was approached by a couple who do the website Suitless Pursuits... they were interested that my day job, being a high school principal, was quite different from my habit of writing and drawing comic books.  They asked to interview me, and I said, "Why not?"  Their journalistic piece will soon be posted to their site as a short, pithy written piece...

However, for those who would like to hear the full unadulterated 27 minutes of me fueled up on caffeine and extemporizing about comics, art and life with two kind people egging me on as I stray further and further from the questions and into some occasionally vulgar, occasionally insightful territory, THIS VIDEO IS FOR YOU!  I have matched it with a wide range of my art through the ages, high school all the way to yesterday.

Hope you enjoy!  (Especially my publisher from Montreal days Marc Tessier, who has encouraged me so much in my comics through the years...)

Wednesday 10 September 2014


Here are some preview panels from THE CLIFF, Book 4: "Heart of Brightness," taken from a night-time conversation by the side of the Ganges...

Preview panels from "Heart of Brightness," pg.82

Preview panel from "Heart of Brightness," pg.83