
Monday 16 October 2017

Independent Comic Artists Exhibition at the Mississauga Living Arts Centre! (Jan. 13 - Mar. 18, 2018)

Featuring original artwork pages from the artists; a reading space for the public; artists drawing on the gallery windows; video loops of actors reading comics and a live reading with improvised soundtrack at the opening night reception!

Participating artists: Caeleigh Boara, Claudio Ghirardo, Joy Sans, Katie Shanahan, Matthew Brown

We do still need $600.00 to cover the rent. Please consider having a look at the Indiegogo fundraising site for the MLAC Independent Comic Artists Exhibition and dropping a few dollars!

Sunday 8 October 2017

What is Meditation? (work in progress) PAGES 37-39

“What is Meditation? And Why Do It?” is an ongoing confessional slapstick autobiography docu-comic about meditation—daily panels can be found on Instagram under Poopsiepenguin... and Facebook.

These pages continue the live comics interview with spiritual teacher Frederick "Korim" Prack--explaining how the individual builds their "mental map" of the world in early life, the emergence of "should's" which form a key part of our mental map and cause conflicts with the world, and the key role of awareness.

I've finished all the pages with artwork, and am now working on lettering the final sections about "How to Meditate" and "Comics Masters whose Work has Influenced this Project!"  Then I've got to scan and photoshop them.

Hopefully the book will be ready to launch by May, 2018.  There may even be a simultaneously released French translation... Peut-être même une traduction en français diffusée simultanément!

  Get in touch if you like what you see!

What is Meditation?
(page 37)

What is Meditation?
(page 38)

What is Meditation?
(page 39)