
Sunday 22 May 2016

ARCHITECTURE DEPARTMENT - Live reading next weekend!

Promo postcard

ARCHITECTURE DEPARTMENT - Live graphic novel reading with actors and musicians next weekend! Yes, finally - the story up there on the screen with talented actors, thrilling musicians, a drink in your hand and friends/family at your side. A chance to unwind at Victory Cafe - 2nd floor on Sat. May 28 from 6-8pm, grab a copy of this and other books by Matthew Brown, and experience the fun that happened last time--but this time even better! Included in the throng of readers/participants are Morgan Phillips, Jacob Pendergrast, Tova Roo, Liyat Benchetrit, Brian Speagle, Sarah Goodman, Matthew Krist , Colin Matthews, Paul Swoger-Ruston, Adam Reich, Mikhial Gurarie and your humble narrator, Matthew Brown.

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Thursday 19 May 2016

TCAF 2016 - It happened!

Thanks for the support and good times! It was great to see friends and family, and the extended melee of the Toronto Comic Arts Festival.

The Editions TRIP Comix table... a cramped space wherein much jostling, signing, sketching and cajoling happened.  With Stan Wany.

The annual dinner at Little India restaurant on Queen St. West - with Mireille, Stan Wany, Sergio, Nicholas, a few of Marc Tessier​'s comic book writing students, me and Stéphane Olivier​.

 In deep conversation about graphic design, architecture and culture with Stéphane Olivier​ of Montreal... a friend from back in the 1990's Gogo Guy comix jam days.

A major inspiration and support, my father Richard Brown​ who had us reading limericks by Edward Lear, watching "Apocalypse Now" and listening to Pere Ubu, Pink Floyd and Joy Division at the dinner table while we were growing up.  Thanks for coming all the way from Guelph, Dad!

The next generation - my nephew Sasha enjoys a live reading of a locally produced comic book with talking birds and cats.

Sasha's mother, my sister Judy Brown​ unravels the mysteries of Supergirl shortly before noodles arrive.

With my muse and lovely wife Quyen Tieu​ and my generous friend, publisher and enabler, Mr. Marc Tessier​ of Montreal.

With Howard Chackowicz​, drummer and cartoonist from Montreal.

Your humble narrator - me - the night after TCAF... on the wall behind me are the freshly completed last four pages of my next graphic novel project -- THE CLIFF Book 5, "The King" -- which is to be released as part of the THE COMPLETE CLIFF, Books 1-5 by Editions Trip​ at TCAF 2017!

Saturday 7 May 2016

TCAF 2016 is coming!

TCAF - the Toronto Comic Arts Festival is coming again!  This year the dates are Sat. May 14 & Sun. May 15, 2016.  I will be sitting with pre-release copies of my master's of architecture thesis graphic novel, ARCHITECTURE DEPARTMENT.
Hope you can come and visit the "Editions TRIP Comix" table where I will be sitting with my friends and fellow artist/publishers from Montreal!
Here are some photos from the last few TCAF's to commemorate some great moments!  Drop by and see what the fun of alternative comix is all about.
See you soon!

TCAF 2010 - back to comix after a 5 year absence
(portrait by Marc Tessier)

TCAF 2011 - with my beautiful wife, Quyen

TCAF 2011 - with the great living cartoonist in the world, Chester Brown

TCAF 2013 - with Editions TRIP Comix masterminds Marc Tessier and Stanley Wany

TCAF 2013 - with Montreal artist Billy Mavreas at the Editions TRIP Comix table

TCAF 2013 - with Montreal artists Frédéric Cordier and Carlos Santos at the Editions TRIP Comix table