
Thursday 15 December 2022



A noir exploration of architecture, eros, tragedy, absurdity and beauty.

A fractured modernist memory narrative, eluding genocide and oppression by a hair's breadth.

Based on the pictures of brilliant photographer Aurel Bauh (born 1900 Bucharest, died 1964 Paris) who died unexpectedly and left his masterful, moody and avantgarde photos spread across Romania, France, Germany and Israel. He only published one book during his lifetime – “Bucharest”, a restrained and lyrical ode to the city of his birth less than two decades after WWII, released under the communist regime a few years before his death.

My new book features brush and ink drawings and text inspired by Aurel Bauh’s architectural shots, portraits, landscapes, folkloric reportage and nudes.

Available as both hard copy and eBook on Amazon!

Or, if you’d like a signed copy, please contact me and let me know!